
March 07, 2010

Walking in the rain = burning calories

Today has been a very busy day, so I intend to make this short. But, I do have a fabulous post coming up for tomorrow if I can get to it. (Teaser: I had a good message at church today, and want to apply it to my weight loss and give the message to you.)

Today I took a huge walk from my house all the way to Safeway, which is longer then a mile. Now I usually take a mile walk every day that I can, but it’s always round trip, not one way. Now, I would have made the round trip back home from Safeway, but it began to rain on us and Jon got a ride from a friend to go get the car. (Can’t afford to let Julia and I get sick again.) So, next week (since this week will be rainy) I am going to attempt this round trip walk again and see how I do. The one way from our house is mostly down hill and of course easier. But, coming back in a nice sloped incline, so I think it will get me burning some serious calories.

This next week’s forecast is showing a lot of rain, so I may be doing some indoor activities and may take a trip or two to the indoor park at the mall. Now this may become a problem since we have put ourselves on a gas budget, and I can’t use more gas then I am allowed. So I will hope for some breaks in the rain in order to get our walks in.

I am also going to get back into my morning workouts with the Wii fit. Now, I’ve been reading up on obesity and sleep, and how much it can affect your weight loss when you aren’t getting enough sleep, so I may be doing my workouts during nap time instead of getting up super early with Jon before the sun rises.

Other challenge this week will include eating low calories meals, and getting Julia ready for Daylight Savings Time that begins next week. Hope everyone has a great week!

Daily Calories: 1,757 (pretty close today even with my cookies)

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